June 11, 2024 In-Person Presentation 5:30 PM CST
Allison Bailes’ “News from the Front: 2021 Code Impacts on Design & Install off HVAC.”
February 22, 2024 In-Person Presentation 5:30 PM CST
“How to Control Moisture in the Home” by Chris Hughes. Registration $30 through Eventbrite.
February 27, 2024 In-Person Presentation 5:30 PM CST
“Good HVAC Design: Forward, Backward, and In-Between” by Alex Meaney of Mean HVAC Consulting & Design. Registration $30 through Eventbrite.
October 24, 2023 In-Person Presentation 5:30 PM CST
“What You Need to Know About Heatloads and How They’re Being Enforced” by Mike Murphy (Artisan Associates, LLC). Registration $20 at the door.
January 12, 2022 Online Training Session 5-7 PM CST
“2018 & 2021 IMC and IFGC Significant Changes”: A Training Based on the 2018 & 2021 International Mechanical Code and the 2018 & 2021 International Fuel Gas Code with Jim Cika, ICC. Registration $20 through Eventbrite.
SELACACI’s Monthly Heatload Workshops – Now Online
In order to provide a way for HVAC contractors to learn skills using heatload software and to improve sizing calculations, SELACACI hosts monthly gatherings on this heatload calculations. Personalized orientation, skill-development, and problem-solving involving Computerized Heatload Analysis. This is a regular event held every month. Free help & advice — Take advantage of this while it’s available!
These networking sessions have grown more popular each month. If you’re new to computerized heatload analysis, the workshop will offer orientation. If you want to develop your skills further, you’ll be in good company.
Given the competitive nature of the industry and the investment of time necessary for contractors to properly go through all the steps of Manual J (A/C Sizing) & D (Duct Sizing) & S (Equipment Selection), it’s critical for technicians to understand the various steps in the process and to know to what degree shortcuts may or may not be acceptable — to avoid problems with the actual installation.
This effort is not meant to take the place of heatload software training courses, but rather to provide an ongoing forum for the exchange of information, promoting maximum productivity.
When & How to Attend SELACACI will hold monthly Heatload Workshops on First Tuesday evenings at 5:30 p.m. starting on May 5, 2020. To join the workshop, contact admin@selacaci.org.
There is no charge for these informal meetings; they are not a “class” per se, but you might learn as much as in a class! Come & Bring Your Hard Questions!
SELACACI members are encouraged to voice their opinion on potential upcoming programs. The survey can be returned by mail, by emailing it to SELACACI@gmail.com, or by faxing it to 985-781-8158.
Notices of meetings will be:
- announced by email
- posted on this website, and
- when possible, announced in HVAC Insider LA/MS, which typically is posted online (or mailed to subscribers) during the third week of the month.
SELACACI wishes to be inclusive of contractors who don’t normally use email. Please let us know if notification by phone is truly needed.
We welcome your suggestions and participation. For more information, email SELACACI@gmail.com or call (504) 488-2412.
SELACACI’s Board invites your input & ideas as it develops its upcoming programs.
STAY TUNED to SELACACI.org — for details & confirmation of upcoming programs.
SELACACI trainings are normally held at the Local 60 (Plumber’s Hall) in Metairie on mid-week evenings.
New participants should also send in the Membership Form (required Disclosure Statement), to save time at the meeting.
Tues., Oct. 11, 2016 — “What You Don’t Know About Manual J”
Prof. Kenneth Ripberger, Delgado Community College’s HVAC Dept. Chair, will present “What You Don’t Know About Manual J” — emphasizing aspects of heatload calculations that most contractors typically overlook or otherwise should pay more attention to. These calculations are increasingly being demanded by enforcement authorities.
WHEN: Tues., Oct. 11, 2016 — 5:30 pm – Food / 6-8 – Program
WHERE: Local 60 – Plumbers Hall, 3515 N. I-10 Service Rd W (at Severn Ave.), Metairie
LSU’s LaHouse Home & Landscape Resource Center, based in Baton Rouge, is an excellent resource on construction topics for our Hot Humid Climate. LaHouse offered trainings in September 2016 on:
September 27-28, 2016 — Louisiana has adopted the 2009 IRC energy code and Certified Verifiers are needed statewide. LaHouse now offers the Southface Energy Institute Duct & Envelope Tightness (DET) Verifier Training and Certification.
Click here for info, fees and to register.
September 27-29, 2016 — Tight ducts + tight buildings: good for clients & for you! What could go wrong? Gain insights at HVAC for Home Performance to avoid problems in efficient homes. Includes DET Verifier Certification.
NEW reduced fee!
Click here for info, fees and to register or visit the LaHouse Resource Center website to explore all scheduled Seminars and Events.
Click Here for More Information.
Contractors can apply to Louisiana’s Incumbent Worker Training Program for full tuition reimbursement (see www.laworks.net) for these classes. (To qualify, contractors must be paying unemployment taxes on the employees, and the workers must have been on the job at least 6 months.)
1) Duct & Envelope Testing (DET) Verifier – Certification Classes (2 days) — a hands-on way to learn how to provide the testing now required by the ’09 Energy Code. Classes on: Sept. 27-28, 2016. Click here for info, fees and to register.
Download a PDF with a description of the classes.
2) “HVAC for Home Performance” (3 days) — Includes DET training, as well as a more in-depth understanding of how HVAC issues impact overall building performance. Classes on: Sept. 27-29, 2016. Click here for info, fees and to register.
Download a PDF with a description of the classes.
The Oct. 29 Code Changes program is critical for contractors to stay abreast of the fast-moving code process in Louisiana lately. Jan. 1, 2015 is when various new requirements kick in. Be sure to stay ahead of the game!
Audrey Evans, Secretary
Dusty Goforth, President
Barry Hays, Vice President
The Oct. 2 Radiant Barrier program is important for our climate zone, & will be conducted by the foremost researcher on the subject nationally. Radiant Barrier is by no means a new material, but now there are many types of radiant barrier products that can be used in various ways to reduce solar heat gain (& heatloads) on buildings. It has been misunderstood over time, but actually is fairly simple & versatile in how it works & interacts with different insulation types. Building owners would benefit from knowing more about this low-cost & low-risk material. A/C contractors & others can help their clients by educating them about radiant barrier, in new construction as well as retrofit applications.
Download flyer
SELACACI’s Spring 2014 trainings were very successful, with 106 & 77 in attendance, respectively, for Dr. Reichel’s “Building Science Insights” and the “Duct Leakage Testing” trainings.
Class: “Basic B.S. (Building Science) Insights for Spray Foam, HVAC, and Moisture“
Taught by: Dr. Claudette Reichel, LSU AgCenter (Baton Rouge)
Description: Dr. Reichel is the “go-to” academic expert for questions of high performance construction in Louisiana’s hot-humid-hurricane climate. She has a great sense of humor & also knows her stuff. She offers answers to the prevailing confusion on the critical interactions of Spray Foam, Moisture and HVAC, by providing basic understandings of the “house as a system” to help connect the dots & avoid problems.
Date: Wednesday March 19, 2014
Class: “Duct Leakage Testing”
Taught by: Barry Couvillion (Lightning Service Inc.) & Kenny Robért (Robért Refrigeration), the “K&B Team”
Description: Demonstration of Duct Testing — a service that will be in higher demand in new construction as soon as Louisiana’s Code Council moves forward with the requirements of the 2009 Energy Code.
Date: Wednesday May 14, 2014
Previous Training Modules

Barry Couvillion conductiong the Training Session: Whole House Generators: How to Avoid Problems from Improper Installation & Use.
- “Duct Training (Redux)”
- “Home Performance Contracting for A/C Companies”
- “2013 Code Changes to IMC, IFGC, and IRC Mechanical Sections”
- “Whole House Generators: How to Avoid Problems from Improper Installation & Use”
- “R-22 Regulatory Update & Refrigerant Options”
- “Guidelines for the Foam Home”
- “Building Science Basics for the HVAC Technician”
- “Residential Energy Conservation 2009 Energy Code”
- “Significant Changes to the International Residential Code 2009”
- “Gas Heating Codes and Regulations: How To Keep Your Butt Out of Trouble”
- “Review of the HCFC Final Phaseout Rules: Replacing R22 Systems With R410A”
- “Best Installation Practices for Code Compliance”
- “Understanding, Troubleshooting, and Diagnosing Airflow Problems”
- “Insulating with Spray Foam”
- “Gas Heat Venting, Piping, & Combustion”
- “Basic Fundamentals of Air Flow”
- “Energy Star Appliance Rebate Program”
- “Duct Leakage”
- “Foam Forum for Contractors”
- “Foam Forum for Home Owners”
- “Best Installation Practices for the A/C Contractor”